Situational Judgement Tests and Strengths

This test explores how you are likely to behave in work-based situations similar to those you would encounter in the job. Would your behaviour fit with what is expected in the organisation?

The right answers to these scenarios are often not obvious, and are shaped by what the organisation feel are important behaviours, values and approaches or what is required for that particular role. You will be asked to rank different options, identify your most and least preferred options, or some combination of the two.

Our tips:

In advance:

  • Investigate the role! Find out more about the job you are applying for – the skills and values sought or the qualities required. The job description and person specification on the vacancy will often help to uncover desired approaches.
  • What does the employer value? Take a look at the employer’s website and explore their culture and values – this could give you vital clues as to what behaviours are important. Do they want people who are proactive, do they want team players?

On the day:

  • Need a steer? Think about the importance of customer focus, client/patient care, professionalism, effective communication, keeping people informed and taking action.
  • Will your behaviour have an impact? - Doing nothing in a situation is often not a good strategy.
  • Where do your strengths lie?* Some organisations take a strengths-based approach to see how your strengths shape your chosen answers.
  • What does your experience tell you? Don’t underestimate the value of your own experiences– customer service roles can often give an insight into the professionalism and proactive approaches sought by organisations.
  • Don’t lose steam: Think carefully about what you choose for your ‘least preferred’ option for a question. It’s also about knowing how not to behave.

Best places to practice:

Other practice sites:

Medical/Health related roles

Social care

*Assessing your strengths

Some organisations take a strengths based approach and use scenario questions to identify how your strengths shape your approach to situations.
  • Find out more and identify some of your own strengths using this starter profile

For example, if your strengths are around connecting with others, you may be more likely to contact colleagues or ask questions of others to identify solutions. Look carefully at the strengths sought by the organisation and consider how these fit with your own.