Writing a personal statement for teacher training
These guidelines apply to applications for a PGCE or Schools Direct which are both made through Apply on the .Gov website
Include the following:
- Your reasons for teaching: Avoid clichés like, "I've always wanted to be a teacher".
- Choice of programme: Demonstrate that you have made a well-researched and informed choice. Show your knowledge of Initial Teacher Training providers.
- Knowledge and commitment to the age range you are applying for: If you are applying for both primary and secondary places in the same application, you need to make a strong case for your preferred option.
- Subject specific commitment: Subject tutors read the forms, so if you are applying for secondary it is important to mention this.
- Enthusiasm: Selectors look for clear-headed, informed enthusiasm. You need to demonstrate you understand the demands of the profession. Why would you be a good teacher?
- Recent school experience: Show insight into teaching and learning in your chosen phase. It's not just a case of visiting and joining in, but the insights gained. Some of the insights gained could involve;
- the national curriculum, national strategies and subject organisations eg The Association of Science Education
- classroom management (behaviour, groups, resources, timing and pastoral care)
- teachers roles and responsibilities
- classroom organisation
- differentiation- special education needs (SEN)
- the role of ICT
- assessment for learning
- awareness of possible gaps - eg if you have a C grade in English and are applying for primary, you need to show that you are willing to polish up
- Mention any geographical restrictions you have, as these may be taken into account.