After Manchester - where next?

If you're thinking about working at a university but don't want to move from Manchester, is it realistic to commute to another institution?

There are over 30 universities within a 2 hour commute of Manchester (many much closer).

Use our interactive Google Map to explore your potential next step - includes links to university websites, job sites and example commute times (legend and notes below map).

Could you commute from Manchester?

Legend and notes:

Shortest travel times by car or public transport, as indicated by Google maps - travelling after 5pm to Manchester Piccadilly station:

  • Green pins - within 30 minutes
  • Blue pins - within 1 hour
  • Purple pins - within 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Orange pins - within 2 hours


  • Travel times vary considerably and unfortunately may significantly exceed the minimums shown.
  • All other universities are outside a 2 hour radius for peak travel times. However, travelling outside peak times may bring several other universities within realistic reach for occasional commuting.