Careerset Cover Letter Checker

New to University of Manchester Careers Service – Get immediate feedback on your Cover Letter!

As part of our CareerSet CV Checker resources we have now added a Cover Letter Checker – this is completely free to University of Manchester students and graduates and gives you an immediate boost to your Cover Letter application.

What do I need to do next?



  1. Select Review My Cover Letter
  2. Copy and Paste the job description and person specification you are applying for
  3. Drag or upload a PDF of your cover letter
  4. Get feedback on your structure and content; including spelling, length, use of good action verbs and relevance to the job you are applying for.
  5. If you want further support for any job you are applying for you can book an appointment with our Application Team via CareerConnect. To make the most out of your appointment aim to get at least 70 score first from Cover Letter Checker.

Why should I use Cover Letter Checker?

  • Being more prepared before attending an application appointment helps both you and our advisors focus on what is important - taking a good application and making it into a great application.
  • The most common way of applying for jobs is either company application form or sending in a CV and Cover Letter. If you are applying for a job using a company application form you many do not ask for a Cover Letter, however, there is often an area to upload supporting information and a CV. To show the employer you are serious about the job opportunity we would recommend you adding your Cover Letter here.
  • Where Cover Letters are requested you need an individual tailored Cover Letter for every job you apply for. This is non-negotiable and can make or break your application! If an employer feels you have used a generic Cover Letter for their job they are unlikely to shortlist you through to the next stage, even if your CV looks great.