
To qualify as a Chartered Architect in the UK you have to undertake practical training and be awarded qualifications recognised by;

The RIBA website provides details of training including qualification routes. The most common route is normally a minimum of seven years.

Due to the length of training involved the majority of architecture graduates wish to work as an architect or in other degree-related jobs which will have their own training and entry requirements.

See also

  • For those interested in working in property management and housing.

Getting in and getting experience

Although formal experience is required at stages of the architecture training process in order to qualify, it's a good idea to try to get some other experience along the way to improve your CV.

  • Join a professional network or society to keep up with current affairs and attend events. Why not join the RIBA LinkedIn group?
  • Send out speculative applications for work experience or work shadowing. Research the firm carefully to ensure you know about their practice and their clients.
  • Talk to people in the profession, you could connect with alumni and professionals on LinkedIn or simply email someone you respect and are interested in and ask for 30 minutes of their time.
  • MSA students don’t forget to register for MSA plus

In addition to skills you may gain on your course like CAD, drawing and model making you will find administration skills, attention to detail, teamwork and leadership all valuable attributes when seeking employment. These are skills you could gain through extracurricular activities and experience outside the architecture field.

Vacancies and information