Psychometric Test preparation events - Semester 2

Previous sessions have included:

How to do well at Psychometric Tests

This session will introduce you to the main type of tests employers use (including situational judgement tests and games-based assessments), what employers look for and how to practise effectively to improve your performance. You will also go away with details of free practice tests on offer.

How to do well at Situational Judgement Tests

This session will introduce you to this increasingly popular type of test, and will allow you to have a go at some sample questions and discuss possible answers. You will also go away with details of free practice tests on offer.

Understand your Strengths

Strengths-based recruitment is on the rise – a Strengths interview will test your self-awareness in ways that a competency interview will not. How do you prepare? Come along to this session! We’ll be explaining how the Strengths approach differs, what to expect, and you’ll be armed with the right materials to walk into a Strengths interview with confidence.